I'm gearing up for the Willamette Writer's conference in early August and want to have all eight novellas posted here on Chicago Storyworks before then. I'll post "Eilixir" after a few days but for now, here's "Resurrexit." If the titles seem suggestive, I am a Joseph Campbell/ Chris Vogler disciple. I also took to heart Blake Snyder's (of "Save the Cat" fame) comment several years back as I drove him to O'Hare. He was in the midst of evaluating the fifty movies he had chosen for "Save the Cat Goes to the Movies." He was waxing philosophical, gazing straight ahead out the windshield and said, "They're all the Christ story, Dirk." So, death, resurrection, salvation--as in "Morte," "Resurrect," and "Elixir."
Without further ado, . . .
Without further ado, . . .