I spoke to a friend the other day and he asked me, “What motivates people to purge ‘evil’ from their world?” And of course I’m working on such a similar question as I seek to post a blog story about Benghazi or the NSA or the IRS.
“Why don’t they just tend their own garden?” he continued, and I had to stifle my pat response that they have no seeds and their soil is worn out and in their heart they know that nothing will come of their garden. And so I answered, “In their mind’s eye, they are right.”
“Righteous,” he answered with more than a hint of sarcasm. He is, after all my friend and we’re cut from pretty much the same cloth.
“The villains I create see themselves as the Hero of their own story,” I answered.
He winked.
It’s so easy to fall into demonizing. Here I had identified the Inquisitors as villains and was by that action engaging in their game.
“You wanna go have a beer?” he asked, “We could talk this over a little more.”
“Maybe next week,” I answered. “My wife’s out of town and I’ve got a few things I need to get done first – a blog post and then I am actually going to go to my real garden and tend it, and then Father’s Day.”
And so we set a date next week to have a beer.
“Why don’t they just tend their own garden?” he continued, and I had to stifle my pat response that they have no seeds and their soil is worn out and in their heart they know that nothing will come of their garden. And so I answered, “In their mind’s eye, they are right.”
“Righteous,” he answered with more than a hint of sarcasm. He is, after all my friend and we’re cut from pretty much the same cloth.
“The villains I create see themselves as the Hero of their own story,” I answered.
He winked.
It’s so easy to fall into demonizing. Here I had identified the Inquisitors as villains and was by that action engaging in their game.
“You wanna go have a beer?” he asked, “We could talk this over a little more.”
“Maybe next week,” I answered. “My wife’s out of town and I’ve got a few things I need to get done first – a blog post and then I am actually going to go to my real garden and tend it, and then Father’s Day.”
And so we set a date next week to have a beer.