Book five of the Andy series is available now (for $0.99) and will be free next week, from Tuesday (1/14) 'til Saturday, the 18th. I have purchased promotions from JustKindleBooks, Freebooksy, and Review Saint (an arm of Books Butterfly) during that week. At the end of the the week (on Saturday), I've also bought a series promotion from Freebooksy that will offer "Andy," the first book of the series for free and then the subsequent books for $0.99.. I will keep you posted on the downloads and sales over the next weeks, in case you're interested in the level of success from each of these sources.
If you are a self-published author, then you know the value of reviews. If you choose to read "Libre" and feel the urge to review it - please don't stifle that urge.
If you are a self-published author, then you know the value of reviews. If you choose to read "Libre" and feel the urge to review it - please don't stifle that urge.